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Vendor Registration

Submitted by exceltechgroup on Tue, 05/22/2018 - 10:11
  1. Fields marked with Asterisk (*) sign are mandatory.
  2. All Attachments should be in PDF format ONLY.
  3. PAN Card copy compulsory for vendor registration.
General Details
Business Details
Tax Details
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Files must be less than 2.5 MB.
Allowed file types: rar zip.

DECLARATION All the details provided in this questionnaire are correct and up-to-date as per the best of our belief and knowledge. We understand that we are liable for any dispute arising out of any discrepancy in the details provided here and take full responsibility for the same, if, as and when arises.

Terms & Conditions
  1. Providing information in the "Vendor Information Form" does not constitute acceptance as an approved & registered vendor. The registration of vendor is the sole discretion of Excel Tech Group.
  2. Failure to enter all of the mandatory information will not enable us to post your vendor file to our database.
  3. Being a registered vendor does NOT guarantee the receipt of notification for all applicable solicitations or invitation to offer or the award of any purchase contract or award of any invitation for bid or request for proposal or request for qualifications.
  4. Vendor is responsible for the content of the information and its vendor's responsibility to keep all information current and provide any subsequent up dates, additional information as and when required and when desired by Excel Tech Group.
  5. EXCEL TECH GROUP reserves the rights to evaluate the vendor on periodical basis and decide the continuation / discontinuation of business with them based on the evaluation report.
  6. Representative of EXCEL TECH GROUP 'OR' their nominated agency has the right to visit vendor's premises for the verification of information with a prior intimation to them.
  7. At later date if it is found that the information furnished is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or is incomplete, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate the registration and recover the dues (if any) from you.
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